The English talking world is very widespread and in order to find a second half sometimes one should contact tens of people until he/she finally finds what he/she is looking for. Our database allows to unit all the data in one place so people can meet the second half who can live the next building or hundreds kilometers away.
We don’t require you to pay for using our website. However if you successfully marry with the help of this website you should pay a certain percentage of the money that you will pay the shadchan unless the shadchan does not charge anything.
Any Jew according to halacha who wants to find her/her second half has an opportunity to register and not to wait till his/her shadchan will enter the information about him/her to the database.
- The information you enter will remain confidential
- The access to the database is given only to our reliable shadchanim
- Our shadchanim live in different countries which gives greater flexibility when looking for a shiduch
- The shadchan will contact you and help you search for your Jewish spouse
Site also helps to shadchanim to storage applicants data about people who are looking for a shiduch. Now it’s not necessary to keep different materials (on paper, in computer, pictures etc). The system also allows to assort applicants from the databse according to certain criteria and send offers to the email right away