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I want to greatly thank Shiduh.org greatly, the administrator, and all shadchanim, especially Elisheva Altman for helping me BS"D find Michael.
And to those who did not findhave not yet found their second half yet, don't lose hope. Come to Shiduh.org, register, write to shadchanim meet, search!
Pray, and ask Hashem to help you. He will certainly help. The one that searches will ultimately find!
Once again, thank you and good luck!
Большое спасибо сайту https://Shiduch.org за помощь и участие в том, что мы нашли друг друга.
Организаторы делают большое дело и большую мицву, помогая создавать еврейские семьи. Это неоценимо!
Отдельное спасибо шадханит Мириам Портной за участие, помощь и чуткий и пикантный подход во время шидуха!
We would like to wholeheartedly thank first of all the Almighty that in His love and mercy He heard our prayers, and made our shidduch that Baruch Hashem ended, or rather began with our wedding! !
When we registered we did not expect that our "Zivug" will come through the website. But G-d has most amazing ways when we least expect!
We sincerely with all our hearts thank all those who work on this site, and especially our wonderful Shadchanet Miriam Portnoy (Gurfinkel), who supported us wisely supervised us throughout the shidduch, and was very helpful in organizing the wedding! Many thanks to all of you for this wonderful site Shiduch.org!